Thank you for your donation

Children need food and money for medicines and education.  Moreover, the construction of a Medical and Dental facility which was started 4 years ago, is on hold due to lack of money and needs approximately $10,000 for its completion.

Support for Seminarians.  SMAHE needs financial support to sustain the priestly education of its 63 seminarians.  Monthly food and lodging alone currently stand at $100 per seminarian.

FOVG is 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt No. 91-2142480.
All cash donations are tax deductible. 
Please make checks payable to:

3887 Canterbury Place SE
Port Orchard, WA 98366

Mike DeMinter: Tel. (360) 871-4021
Fax (360) 871-4021
fovg@wavecable com